We belong together!

Fellowship and hospitality is about making acquaintances into friends and friends into family

Sundays - Fellowship Hour

Join us after church on Sunday for coffee, tea, cookies and a chat. An informal get together where we meet, greet and laugh together. 

Games Night

Come out for Potluck and Games Night on the last Friday of every month starting at 5pm. 

Bring some food to share (no nuts please) and a board or card game to play. Everyone of every age is welcome!

Tea and Bazaar

Join us for tea, coffee, cookies and a bazaar! A lovely time with opportunities to pick up last minute presents for Christmas. 

*Our next Tea and Bazaar is Saturday, November 18th, 2023!

Christmas and Easter Banquets

Our church family celebrates together with a banquet at Christmas and Easter. Join us as we eat a delicious meal, sing songs and laugh together. 

Corn Roasts

In the late summer, we get together for a church family corn roast! Sweet corn, BBQ, salads, music and games for the whole family. It’s a wonderful outdoor time together!

*We had our Annual Corn Roast on September 18th, 2022. We enjoyed the wonderful food and hospitality after our worship service. Due to rain we were inside. Looking forward to fall of 2023!

Cookie Drive

Our hospitality team puts together trays of home-made cookies and delivers them to our seniors. What fun to make, plate and eat!

Newcomers Meal

Are you new to our community or church? Join us for a newcomers meal where you can get to know other new families as well as our elders and leadership team.