Valentine’s Day Lunch!

Join us for Valentine’s Day lunch at noon in the Goforth Hall! It will be ‘lovely’!
Ladies Luncheon – Wed Sep 18th

All ladies are welcome for some “Chicken Soup for the Soul” on Wednesday, September 18th in the Goforth Hall. Doors open at 11:30am and food is available at noon. Please contact the church if you are coming!
Church family LUNCH – Sep 22nd

Join us for some church fellowship on Sunday, September 22nd after worship. We’ll be enjoying lunch together in the Goforth Hall!
Corn Roast and Chili Lunch – Sep 17th

Join us on Sunday, September 17th after the worship service for a Corn Roast and Chili lunch in the Goforth Hall. Bring a friend and your appetites!
Volunteers Needed – baking and cooking

Baking and cooking is such a wonderful ministry for St. Andrew’s. If you would be willing to contribute sandwiches, cookies or squares, sometimes at short notice, please sign up at the Welcome Desk. A coordinator will contact you when needed. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed – Working Funeral Teas

Fellowship and Hospitality Life Group are looking for a couple of people to be in charge of working the funeral teas. Contact Barb Bloom for more information.
Easter Activities

Join us during this Easter season for worship, celebration and fellowship!
April 10th at 10am – Palm Sunday & Perogies Lunchbox takeout
April 15th at 10am – Good Friday
April 17th – Easter Sunday!
9am – continental breakfast
10am – worship service
11am – children’s easter egg hunt
Vulnerable Sector Checks need to be renewed
St. Andrew’s requires all persons interacting with children, youth or elderly to have a Vulnerable Sector Check. Please pick up a package from the Welcome Desk and bring it – with two pieces of valid i.d. – to your local constabulary. Thank you!
Corn Roast is cancelled
Our Outdoor Worship Service and Corn Roast is cancelled for Sunday, September 26th.
We will have our regular Sunday morning worship at 10am in the church sanctuary. We look forward to worshiping with you in person or online.
Newsletter submissions are due Sept 26th!
Newsletter submissions are due to Hilda VanGyssel by September 26th. Please send your stories, poems and pictures to her!