Men’s Breakfast – Sat Oct 21st at 8:30am

All the men are invited for a hot breakfast and presentation on Saturday, October 21st at 8:30am in the Goforth Hall. John Hancock and friends will be cooking breakfast. The topic of discussion is Genesis 1:20,24 (Day 5 & 6) about God’s Diversity of Creatures with a slide presentation of the animals of the Galapagos Islands by John. Bring a friend, an appetite and join us! Please sign up at the welcome desk or call the church office!
Women’s Bible Study – Wednesdays at 10am

The Wednesday Women’s Bible Study has started. By popular demand we are studying Women of the Bible. See you at 10am for coffee and tea, followed by Bible study and prayer from 10:15-11:30am.
Growth Group and Bible Studies on Summer Break

Our Growth Groups and Ladies Bible Study is on summer break. We look forward to connecting with you again in the fall!
New Growth Group study – Philippians

Our Growth Groups will be starting a new bible study this spring: Philippians – To live is Christ by Jon Nielson & Dennis Johnson. Study books are $10 and will arrive soon!
Women’s Bible Study begins January 11th!

Come join us on Wednesdays at 10am for our Women’s Bible Study. Bring your bible, a friend and come prepared for some great conversation with a wonderful group of ladies. Newcomers are always welcome!
Growth Groups starting again this September!

Want to develop a group of friends for prayer, support and study of God’s word together? Then come join a Growth Group! We’re starting a new study on Daniel this fall and want you to be a part of it! Everyone welcome!
Renewal Fellowship Zoom Meeting
Renewal Fellowship’s annual general meeting via Zoom is on “Remaining TRUE to God’s will.” The Speaker is Rev. Dr. Stephen Farris with worship by GUS and JESS. Renewal Fellowship is a voice of encouragement to those who adhere to scriptural orthodoxy. To register, go to
Prayers for Muslim World
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Fireside Chats Rescheduled!
The Fireside Chats: A Way Forward have been rescheduled to April 6, 7 and 9th. Please join us for these important discussions on human sexuality in the Presbyterian Church.
No Growth Groups the week of March 21st
There will be no Growth Groups the week of March 21st. We encourage everyone to rather attend one of the Fireside Chats: A Way Forward.